I am currently a full-stack expierenced software engineer at Bloomberg, with experience in event-driven micro-service architecture design, CI/CD pipeline optimization, containrization and data streaming.
M.S. in Computer Sciences, 2019-2021
University of Wisconsin–Madison
CSST Summer Program, 2018
University of California, Los Angeles
B.E. in Computer Science and Technology, 2015-2019
Southern University of Science and Technology
In this project, I use some classical data analysis methods to analyze the housing data from Airbnb New York. The methods includes Principal component analysis (PCA), K-Means, Self-orgnizaing Map and so on. Please read the report for detailed information.
A online platform for student to to submit there code for NP problems and get the solutions judged online
New Deep Neural Network stucture for 3D Medical Image Segmentation
A course project of CS302 Artificial Intelligence to solve CARP
A JavaFX based instant message client using GPG encription standard to send and receive message via SMTP/IMAP protocol
A visual light positioning system using three LED lights in a one-meter cube.
A smart car with an integration of face tracking, controlled by a bluetooth gravity sensing remote